
Online definitions for all slang phrases! Find out what cyber words mean to you and what terms might appear! Enjoy yourself as you study!

tg meaning

TG Meaning

“TG” is a popular slang term that means “Thank God” What does “TG” mean “TG” stands for “Thank God”: It is often

ONB Meaning

ONB Meaning

Popular slang on the text and social media, “ONB“, typically means “old news bro,” “outward nose breath,” or “on bro.”

GRWM Meaning

GRWM Meaning

GRWM stands for “Get Ready With Me.” It’s a popular internet slang used primarily on social media platforms, especially YouTube

ISO Meaning

ISO Meaning

What does ISO mean? According to my research, ISO has different meanings based on how it’s being used, Let’s take a closer

SMH Meaning

SMH Meaning

“SMH” stands for “shake my head.” What does SMH mean? “SMH” stands for “Shaking My Head.” It’s commonly used online

NPC Meaning

NPC Meaning

“NPC” stands for “Non-Player Character.” What does NPC mean? NPC stands for “Non-Player Character.”. In video games and tabletop role-playing

WYO Meaning

WYO Meaning

WYO Meaning “WYO” stands for “What you on?” What does WYO mean? The letters “WTO” are similar to saying, “What’s up?” or

JHIT Meaning

JHIT Meaning

JHIT Meaning “JHIT” doesn’t have a formal definition, but to people from Florida, it means “kid.” What does JHIT mean? It

DWU Meaning

DWU Meaning

“DWU” stands for “Don’t Wait Up!” What does DWU mean? It means “don’t wait up!”When someone says “DWU,” they’re telling

AWH Meaning

AWH Meaning

“AWH” doesn’t have a formal definition, it’s an expression used to convey cuteness or evoke an “aww” reaction. What does

IDK Meaning

IDK Meaning

“IDK” stands for “I don’t know!” What does IDK mean? It means “I don’t know.” “IDK” is an abbreviation that

LOL Meaning

LOL Meaning

“LOL” stands for “laugh out loud.” What does LOL mean? It means “laughing out loud” or “laugh out loud.” During

What Does Heart Mean on Social Media

<3 Meaning

<3 stands for a sideways heart. Something saying “love.” What does <3 mean? The symbol “<3” typically represents a heart

sn meaning

SN Meaning

  “SN” means “say nothing.” What does SN mean? “SN” stands for “Say Nothing.” It’s an abbreviation used to indicate

btc meaning

BTC Meaning

The abbreviation “BTC” stands for “Bitcoin. What does BTC mean? “BTC” is an abbreviation that typically refers to “Bitcoin.” If

GN Meaning

GN Meaning

  “GN” stands for “goodnight.” What does GN mean? “GN” means “goodnight.” “GN” typically stands for “Good Night.” It’s commonly

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