How Do Doctors Treat Insomnia?

Insomnia Doctors: Primary Care, Neurology, and More

Sleep disorders prevent you from getting quality sleep. It also leads to a feeling of daytime dysfunction. The disorder can make you feel tired after waking up and can also affect your mood levels. People who struggle with sleep disorders may have poor work performance and a lower quality of health. Here are ways that doctors treat insomnia:

Causes of Sleep Disorder

Long-term cases of sleep disorders are sometimes attributed to circumstances that distract sleep patterns and stress. Common causes of sleep disorders include poor sleep habits like sleeping and waking up at different intervals each day or being too active before bedtime. Traveling to different time zones or changing your work shift can disrupt your sleep.

If you eat a lot in the night, it could cause discomfort while sleeping. Some people experience heartburn after eating late since the stomach acid reaches the esophagus. Mental health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, can disrupt your sleep. Some prescription medications may disrupt your sleep as well, so check for any side effects.

Medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, overactive thyroid, and Alzheimer’s disease may cause insomnia. Having sleep apnea may cause you to stop breathing at night, which disrupts your sleep. The use of caffeinated and alcoholic drinks late in the evening can inhibit sleep.

Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders

When making a diagnosis, the doctor may conduct a physical examination, which includes blood tests to check for thyroid problems or other underlying conditions that may cause sleep disorders. A polysomnogram (PSG) evaluates your sleeping habits overnight in a sleep laboratory. The medical specialist places small sensors on various parts of the body to record your brain waves. They may also check the respiratory response, muscle activity, and body functions during sleep.

You may be diagnosed with sleep apnea or other sleep-related breathing disorders. This allows your medical specialist to conduct a positive airway pressure titration examination to determine the pressure level for the continuous positive airway pressure machine (CPAP). The doctor can recommend a home sleep evaluation using a portable monitoring gadget. These tests help to determine if you have narcolepsy or hypersomnia and help the doctors create a targeted treatment plan.

Treatment of Sleep Disorders

After diagnosis, the doctor develops a specialized treatment option depending on your condition. Treatment options include pharmacological and behavioral therapies. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for insomnia helps you manage negative thoughts and actions that might be preventing you from sleeping. CBT therapy could help people adopt good sleep behaviors. It teaches coping mechanisms for avoiding things that keep you awake and worried about not falling asleep. Relaxation methods such as progressive muscle relaxation and breathing exercises help to reduce anxiety during bedtime.

Consult a Sleep Disorder Specialist

A sleep disorder specialist asks about personal information such as ongoing health conditions and major stressful events of life to determine the cause of insomnia. The doctor takes you through the treatment options with fewer side effects. If you have symptoms of insomnia, consult a sleep disorder specialist and get appropriate treatment.

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